Despite failing my maths “O” level, I’ve coached the Chief Financial Officer of a 15bn multi-national.

It could have got ugly.

Spreadsheets. Cash flow. Modelling. Forecasting.

Fortunately, she’s world class in that department and wasn’t requiring some numpty with an abacus.

In Old English “welth” meant “happiness and prosperity in abundance”

In Middle English “wele” meant “well-being,” primarily referring to money and possessions.

In today’s parlance, “wealth” is the accumulation of valuable goods and scarce resources which can be measured in terms of monetary value.

Henry David Thoreau offers a different view: “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”

A timely reminder the true essence of wealth is experiencing all that means most to you.

In a world where the richest 1% of the population has captured over 50% of global wealth, perhaps it’s time to redefine “wealth” and unlock more meaningful experiences.

Why a Wealth Journal?

One of the most valuable, simple and beneficial strategies to be more intentional around creating wealth is maintaining a Wealth Journal.

A Wealth Journal is a powerful tool which encourages you to embrace an abundant mindset; go beyond tracking numbers and reflect on your journey towards wealth creation.

It’s also a nod to slow down, be mindful and prioritise your energy and focus.

Today, I’m sharing how I designed my template so you can feel inspired to create yours.

You can also Download my Wealth Journal Template for FREE

Let’s jump in.

Step 1: Define wealth beyond financial gains

“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” William Bruce Cameron

The first step is to get clarity on your definition of wealth.

What are the experiences beyond the financial or material which constitute richness in your life?

A holistic approach might value the following elements:

Physical and spiritual nourishment

  • Health
  • Vitality
  • Spirituality

Life purpose

  • Living with purpose
  • Enriching other peoples lives
  • Fulfilment from serving others
  • Personal growth
  • Knowledge


  • Time to do what you want, when you want
  • Freedom

Relationships and goodwill

  • Great relationships
  • Paying it forward
  • Contributing to community

Financial independence

  • Financial independence
  • Having enough money to live, save, support and give


  1. Choose up to 5 areas that mean most to you.
  2. Score yourself on a scale of 1 – 5 in each of the areas, (1 = lowest, 5 = highest experience of satisfaction)
  3. Note what’s happening in those areas
  4. What would you like to improve or continue to build on?

Step 2. What went well and why?

The second section of your journal acknowledges what went well for you.

Drawing from positive psychology, make a note of the good things that have happened this week and why.

For example: an unexpected client continuation, an “aha” session, preparation that’s paid off, an appreciative email received.

This trains your brain to focus on positive experiences and encourages a proactive approach to wealth creation.

Where focus goes, energy flows!


  1. Write 3 things that went well in the last week and why

Step 3. Celebrating small wins

Celebrate all wins, even the smallest.

If you’re a torch bearer of the “on-to-the-next” mindset, this may be tricky at first, but stay with it.

“Yes!” to the testimonial. “Get in” to the goodwill text. “Hoorah” to finishing this post.

Celebrating small wins is chemically intoxicating too.

Dopamine is released in the brain, a feel good reaction which reinforces and strengthens a sense of connection to what you’re working on.

Small wins accumulate over time and help build momentum.


  1. Write down three wins you’ve experienced in the last week
  2. How have they made you feel?

Step 4. Growth areas and things to improve

Now it’s time to use your Wealth Journal for identifying areas of growth.

Reflect on any missteps or challenges and brainstorm solutions.

Viewing these instances as opportunities for improvement rather than failures creates a powerful shift in mindset.


  1. Identify 3 areas for growth and why they’re important
  2. Commit to taking 1 action for each area in the week ahead

Step 5. Upcoming income-generating opportunities

Next, record any potential opportunities for income generation.

Who have you connected with?

How many people have you invited to a discovery call?

What’s the value of any proposals you’ve made?

Don’t be afraid of the “no’s! you’ve experienced this week.

Remember, “Yes” lives in the land of “No.”

Not only will this practice keep you focused, it also creates a sense of anticipation for the future.


Record and track

  • Number of people connected with in the past week
  • Number of people invited to a coaching conversation
  • Number of people coached who are not clients yet
  • Number of “No’s” collected
  • Value of proposals sent
  • Number of people served
  • Amount of revenue received

Step 6. Wealth creating actions

Open your calendar to the week ahead.

How many specific activities are listed which can lead to wealth flow in the coming days?

Notice whether your calendar is full or sparse.

What wealth creating opportunities can you focus on to create a richer calendar?

Jot down the smallest action steps you’ll take to seize these opportunities.

This helps transition from planning to doing, empowering you to take control of your future.


  1. List 3 wealth creation action steps
  2. Schedule them in your calendar

Step 7: Set up a weekly Wealth Creation Review Session

Finally, it’s time to create a consistent practice which becomes a natural habit.

Block out 15 minutes in your calendar each week and schedule a Wealth Creation Review session.

The aim of the session is to raise awareness as to what you’re creating on a daily/weekly basis, monitor progress, and maintain motivation.

Conduct this meeting with yourself, a wealth accountability partner or your coach.

Sitting down for 15 minutes on Sunday works for me, however pick a time that works for you.

3 Key takeaways

1. Define wealth beyond simply the financial

  • Be explicit and specific about your wealth creating objectives and experiences.
  • Write them down in your Wealth Journal.
  • This will be your roadmap to wealth creation.

2. Start tracking your progress, make journaling a habit:

  • Consistency is key.
  • Schedule a specific time each week for journaling
  • Make regular weekly entries about your successes and lessons learned

3. Develop Action Plans:

  • Once you’ve defined your opportunities, break them down into actionable steps.
  • Include these in your journal as a constant reminder of the path to living in abundance.


A Wealth Journal can be an invaluable tool for coaches.

By implementing the strategies outlined above, you can boost your awareness, motivation, and progress towards creating wealth and experiencing greater fulfilment.

Start your Wealth Journal today and take the first step towards a wealthier future.

Remember, wealth creation is a journey, and every step counts!

This week’s key action step

The Wealth Journal is a tool for game changers and wealth builders.

If you haven’t created one, design your own and journal weekly.

Alternatively, if you’d like a copy of mine.

Download my Wealth Journal Template for FREE

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